we have set up a way for everyone to Purchase Tickets Via PayPal and there are some things you should know that will make it easier on all of us....
-you do not need a pay pal account...credit cards are the answer here....
-it is called a "donate" button, do not let this confuse you...it is only a word
-when purchasing this ticket for the performer of your choice, please include that performers  name somewhere so we too know which show you are planning on attending
-we will acknowledge receipt of your payment within a short period of time as they do notify us immediately
-your tickets will be waiting for you at the door under the name of whoever paid the bill

You can also E-Transfer ticket price to Longevity John's cel number   250-597-1554 ...there are no question / answer requirements, just an immediate deposit  but do add which show the tickets are for....this method allows the full ticket price to end up in our hands